I bought this to use at home alongside my existing Wellue device as that can give worrying wrong AI determinations in certain circumstances (e.g. caused by a bundle block, or wide QRS), indicating, wrongly, ventricular tachycardia, a dangerous rhythm.
The Contec device does not have such a wide range of AI as the Wellue and restricts, rather like the Kardia, to a few, and yet it produces truly excellent 6-lead ECG traces well suited to showing a cardiologist for review in the case of, for example, intermittent arrhythmias. I am impressed with every aspect of it but would like the determinations to be more standardised to, say, PAC, PVC, bigeminy, trigeminy, couplet, triplet, NSR with Wide QRS, bradycardia, tachycardia and similar.